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Cultural Exchange & Saturday Sessions

September 1, 2020 @ 8:00 am - November 20, 2020 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0

The impacts of Covid-19 on group gatherings and festivals led us to re-imagine what our annual Marimba Jam Festival could be during the year 2020. Instead of a one day festival, we re-imagined the festival as a 3-MONTH online event.

This online event comprised of 2 programs executed concurrently over the 3 month period: Cultural Exchange and Saturday Sessions.


The Cultural Exchange Program offered weekly 1-hour virtual sessions to students and other beneficiary groups. The sessions followed a unique program covering some of the fundamental South African Music elements present in traditional and popular music.

The Saturday Spotlight sessions involved live 30-minute Instagram workshops and educational talks. These sessions covered new topics each week, and viewers had free and unlimited access to the live-stream via Instagram. Once the live sessions were completed, the videos were uploaded to Marimba Jam’s IGTV feed so anyone could access and view it in their own time.

Outcomes for the Cultural Exchange Program included:

  • Learn well-known South African songs
  • Acquire basic djembe drumming skills
  • Learn aural skills and basic improvisation techniques
  • Enjoy jamming with other students in the live Zoom room
  • Experience a taste of South Africa culture and history
  • Become part of a global community
  • Navigate the digital learning environment

Content for Saturday Spotlight Sessions Included:

  • Workshops hosted by external facilitators: gumboot dancing, djembe drumming, indian drumming, marimba improv, African pianism, beat-boxing, body percussion
  • Educational talks hosted by internal Jam Meisters (Marimba Jam staff): body positivity, social entrepreneurship,

You can still access all Saturday Spotlight sessions via our Instagram IGTV: https://instagram.com/marimba_jam?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


September 1, 2020 @ 8:00 am UTC+0
November 20, 2020 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0


Marimba Jam
View Organizer Website


Zoom and Instagram